Relational schema design for LinkedIn

Muhammad Abad
4 min readSep 13, 2021


Today, we are going to discuss an important topic that is ignored most of the time by beginners and NoSQL background devs while developing any application or system.

As we know the database is the main part of any system if it’s not designed well then the survival of our system is not going for a long time or we have to do a lot of code or investment to make it work.

So first let’s understand the term relational schema, Relation schema defines the design and structure of the relationship like it consists of the relation name, set of attributes/field names/column names. every attribute would have an associated domain.

Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels

To do a designing schema for relational data store first we need to follow these steps:-

  1. List out all the features
  2. Identify entities related to the feature.

So let’s understand in a better way by doing relation schema design for LinkedIn.

Note: I highlighted entities in the features list and we can do in a same way.

Features of LinkedIn(Basic flow)

The User should be able to view or edit profile information.

On the top left the user should have a profile photo

On the right side of the profile pic, the name and contact information should be displayed.

Users can store or manage Skills, Education, Companies.

A user may send a Connection request to other users. unless the recipient approves the connection request, the sender will just be a follower. once the connection request is accepted, both sender and recipient become followers of each other.

A user should be able to write a Post.

A user should be able to Comment on a post or reply to a comment.

A user should be able to Like a post or a comment.

We can manage user basic details in users entity with columns id, name, email, profile_pic and then we coverted feature 1 ,2 & 3.

And we can see in 4th point, there are 3 functionalities are required so we have to create 3 more entities to develop these features. so we can create these entitites with one to many relationship with users entity because users can have more than one skills, companies, education.

But there is a problem as we can understand different users may have same skill, education and company so in this case data repetition will happen in these 3 entitites and it’s not good practice for any DB schema.

To resolve this problem we will create master entities for each feature like skills will be a master entity and user_skills another entity to store skills for users(Many to Many) and same as for education & company.

And in above scenario there will be a relationship many to many where a single user can have multiple records(skills,companies,education) and a record(skill,company,education) can belongs to multiple users.

Let’s move on point 5th where we needs a connection feature. so to implement that simply we can create an entity connections.

And connections entity contains four columns id, sender_user_id, receiver_user_id, is_accepted(bool).

where we store request sender in sender_user_id and receiver in receiver_user_id and by default the value of is_accepted will false and it will change as receiver accpets the request otherwise sender will be a follower only not a connection.

For feature 6th where we needs to maintain user posts so simply we can create an entity posts and it will contain these columns id, user_id, post_text and it will be one to many relationship in between users and posts entities because a single user can have multiple posts.

For feature 7th where we needs to develop a feature for comments on a post and to do that we will create an entity comments and these are columns id, user_id, post_id, comment_text and it will be one to many relationship in between users and posts.

And for last feature where user can like a comment or post we can do it by adding a column in related enitites and do increment as someone like that specific post or comment. But it’s not a good approach while we are developing normalized DB schema. so to handle that we will create a seperate entity likes and will manage our likes there and we need four columns there and these are id, user_id, entity_id, entity_type and simply we can do a entry in this entity as someone likes any comment or post and we can fetch likes by using aggregate function count with where condition.

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Muhammad Abad

I’m Abad based from the India & I am working as a Software Developer. I specialize in building applications specific to the business needs of my clients.